Oh good gracious, its back.

It’s been four months since my last blog post and that I deem unacceptable. Recap on the end of 2012, beginning of 2013… 3-2-1-GO!

On November 1, I wrote about Bad Girl Ventures, the business development program (competition) Tricia and I entered. On December 5th, we won. The business we were starting, Birdtown CrossFit  opened on schedule, January 2, 2013. Within the next week or two, we will be moving from a temporary space in our building, to our much larger long-term home. I am thrilled.

Moving on… The 2013 CrossFit Open begins today. Good luck to all my fellow CrossFitters and competitive exercisers. As a brand new affiliate, our gym does not have a “strong” team, but we have one and in that fact I am proud. My expectations are to enjoy this year’s competition season. I will do the WODs, I will push my hardest, but I won’t win anything and I am 100% okay with that. It’s about participating, getting in on the action. Watching Tricia and I’s community at Birdtown CrossFit grow and experience the Games Season, for most of them, for the first time.

Here are my last things to know/do/read/follow/listen/laugh/watch/experience… these: Words with Lisbeth (formerly CrossFit Lisbeth), The Wodcast Podcast and Fitness Lonnie. If you want CrossFit or life lessons, that’s what Lisbeth Darsh’s blog is for; CFHQ writer, seriously great stuff. The Wodcast Podcast is a bunch of dudes and sometimes ladies sitting around talking CrossFit, nutrition(ish), products, competitions with lots of interviews with new and known CF’ers, etc. Fitness Lonnie: YouTube sensation, dreamboat, ELITE. Keep a sense of humor around for this last suggestion.

Maybe not my best blog, but I just needed to write it. It’s an exercise in and of itself. Put pen to paper, fingers to keyboard and go. If anyone is reading this, thanks for your patience and I’ll “see” you again next week!


Words with Lisbeth: website , Facebook.
The Wodcast Podcast: website, Facebook.
Fitness Lonnie: Facebook, YouTube.
