Why not paleo?

The key to that question is in the inflection. Per my typical sharp banter, that would be the equivalent of yes, let’s do it! Today read: why I am not choosing the paleo diet. In fact, you could replace paleo with zone or a cleanse.
These plans can be terrific. But they’re not for me, not today at least. Today is about setting myself up for success. Taking inventory of how well different diets have worked for me, or you, in the past is vital to achieving the next goal. I’ve crashed and craved with short stints of paleo and cleanses; didn’t spend enough time figure out what blocks were with the zone diet.
What has worked for me? Weight Watchers – so not a CrossFit “thing.” I think sometimes people come on so strong with their ideals of the perfect diet that they forget how hard it can be for the average person, by today’s standards, to make the transition to a healthier lifestyle.
I would love to say I eat 100% (or even 80% paleo), but I know that if I made that commitment today I would fail. Weight Watchers gives a layout to get started in a better direction. Points (plus) are generally simple to follow. I know how many I have each day, I have a mobile app that comes with me on the go and I can eat Subway. Take Subway as any symbolic “food on the run.” The point is – I know it works for me, because I’ve succeeded with it in the past. With the others, I haven’t.
My #1 goal right now is to lose weight in a healthy fashion. It’s not a skinny thing, it’s an obese thing. After finishing my workout this morning I felt “like a fat kid having an asthma attack,” is how I think I put it. And I meant it literally – I have asthma and it gets worse the heavier I get. I was able to kick my inhaler for a while when I was doing better with my weight and workouts. I want that back. There’s no reason I should be as large as I am. And I’m not writing this in a self-deprecating fashion. I have the ways and means to give myself a healthier lifestyle.
There’s a lot more to say about why I’m choosing this over another diet, how I still think those other diets work spectacularly and I’m sure I’ll get to it in the future, but here’s the main thing to take home…
I want to make a change. I’ve started to make a change. And I know that this change will work.
– Jillian
Progress so far:
Three workouts in the last five days. Day nine of keeping a food diary. Day one of my recommitment to my diet.

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