Fourth time’s a charm?

This blog is supposed to be a place for me to share some incredible words of wisdom right? I mean, clearly that’s going to happen, because I am brilliant and all. BUT really, in my first blog post, didn’t I ask for some help? The quickest of recaps would include that it’s been about a month since I started this site. I’ve run, rowed and in general worked out more, shed a few LBs and renewed my appreciation for coaching. But let’s give you a fun chance to check up on me.

In our gym we have a goal board. In January I erased everything and updated it. When I hit my first goal this year, I erased it and added a new one. The second one that I hit, I crossed off. Purposefully keeping it up there to remind myself that yes, I have accomplished some of my goals. There are three remaining goals in my little corner of the board – one is such a pain in the arse I’ve failed it three times: The 100 Days Challenge, woof.

Well, I started again. Go me. Basically day 1 = 1 rep, day 2 = 2, and so forth up to day 100 = 100 reps, hence the challenge is known as The 100 Days of Suck. To add in the CrossFit principle of variance in workouts, participants are rotating between four exercises over the course of the 100 days. The recommended movements (courtesy of Bill Russell, CrossFit Cleveland) are pullups, overhead squats with an empty bar (45#), burpees and double unders (jump once, rope passes under twice) with permission to substitute a weakness for the OHS. My four day rotation is pullups, dips, double unders and burpees.

This goal lends itself two other goals that I have. One, listed on the board, is 100 consecutive double unders. My current PR is 62, but I hope that because I will be working on DUs every 4th day, I’ll be able to reach that 100 mark before then end of the year. A second goal and something discussed here is working out more. Like I mentioned, yup it’s happening, but I want to add more structure to it. I love spreadsheets and have laid out some really elaborate ones (you should see my 100 days one), but with this I want it to be simple so I decided to follow CrossFit’s standard protocol of 3 on, 1 off. If I’m not in or near a gym on one of my three days, I can go for a long run or throw down some body weight moves wherever OR I can plan ahead, like tomorrow when I’m dropping in on Friendship CrossFit near Columbus,OH.

Blending my “WOD more” goal under the structure of 3 days of work followed by 1 day of rest with my 100 days goal, doesn’t exactly give me a full days rest. BUT I did plan my 3 on, 1 off cycle to match my 100 days so if I have zero interest in walking into a gym on my off day, I don’t have to, I have burpees which can be done anytime, anywhere.

First paragraph says I had a chance for you to check on me, this is it. I’ve failed completing a 100 day challenge three times. Ask me how I’m doing. Ask me what day it is. Or maybe, but putting it out there to the lovely world wide interwebs this could be enough.

 Day 7’s still easy,


PS. I totally started writing this post about food, it seems to be something I’m talking about ALL OF THE TIME lately. Clearly my thought pattern went a little askew, maybe I’ll get back to it for my next post? Fun changes with that too :)

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