Listen to your body

For two weeks I ate great, kept up with my 100 days and nailed each WOD in my 3 on, 1 off routine. I hit a PR on my Clean & Jerk and matched my Snatch max.

Then I got sick – go to bed early, sleep late, leave work after three hours sick. After two days off work and five full days of rest off working out, I felt better!

Saturday, a full week after my 150lb C&J, I was lifting a 65lb barbell and felt like someone stabbed me in the back. It was a sudden rush of pain that has yet to clear.

Over the years I’ve injured my back in a variety of ways: lower back sprain after a car accident in 2007, in 2009 I missed catching the bar correctly when I jumped up to the pullup bar and had some other back related emergency room visit in 2011, frankly can’t remember what I did that time. Each time ice and rest have been enough. Doctors offered pain medications, but not solutions

Realizing I don’t want to keep taking myself out of the game and knowing that 65lbs generally is nothing for me to move, I sought additional help went to a chiropractor. My injury isn’t something that has me bed-bound, but with living a fairly active lifestyle I don’t want to it to be something that keeps me down in any way. I’ve had one appointment so far and performed stretches given to me on my own. Range of motion is getting better each day. Progress = good. My next chiro appointment is Friday and a massage next Tuesday.

The point of me sharing this is to encourage you to take care of your body. Understand if something feels off, what that means and how you should handle it. There is a difference between good sore and bad sore. For me, I’m in the middle of an annoying coincidence of back to back weeks of sickness and injury. And looking ahead, I am regretfully backing out of running a half-marathon this coming Saturday. I know by Saturday, my back may be feeling better, but that would probably be too much, too soon. In that past coming back from injury too fast has definitely been an issue. It’s the responsible side of me that knows I should not run even if the stubborn side wants too.

Moral of the story: be nice to your body, it’s the only one you have.

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