Over my own excuses, the intelligen​t decision

Where to begin? Tomorrow night’s workout is to work on our weaknesses. My latest weakness has been excuses, not action. My training plan has gone out the window as has my diet and that is inexcusable. As a trainer, I ought to be a model for what I ask our members to do each and every day – exercise regularly, eat healthy and make intelligent decisions.

The intelligent decision making starts now and you’re reading it. I help my members stay accountable through their workouts. Now it’s time for others to help me, keep me accountable. Make sure I live up to your and my own expectations.

While this site will cover my personal journey getting back on the bandwagon of health and fitness, I expect to cover many more subjects along the way. I run – completing my first marathon three months ago and fifth half marathon six weeks ago. I lift – my basic lifts remain strong and as the foundation for more complicated movements the others are not far off. I coach – spending hours at the gym instructing foundational movements, beginner’s and introductory classes as well as general membership and advanced classes. I CrossFit. I eat. These last two are what need work.

In my effort to improve those aspects of my current lifestyle, I anticipate sharing more about what they are, who I am and how to make it all better.

Borrowing a CrossFit motto here, when it comes to my website “expect the unexpected” and be ready that I may come across as a jack-of-all trades, master of none. Let this be an interactive outlet for us – myself and you the reader. Agree? Please share. Disagree? Again, share. Interested in learning more about a certain topic? Let me know. Picky about grammar, let it rip.

And with that, we begin.
– Jillian

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